Bugsy – Another happy outcome of e-collar training and a dog that doesn’t get re-homed, again.

Rachel and Bugsy

Thanks to Rachel for sharing her story about Bugsy. Once you read it you will “hear” the enthusiasm! Another pet owner who is over the moon happy that she was able to find a  trainer who could give her some real results and improve her relationship  with her dog. And notice in the story that Bugsy went along on vacation the last time rather than going to a boarding facility. How cool is that?

It is what we keep saying…e-collar training done right = greater FREEDOM. 🙂

My boyfriend and I rescued Bugsy a little over four years ago.  His behavior was so bad, that we were concerned we were going to have to give him up for adoption again.  Let me give you one example to explain just how bad Bugsy was.   He is a 23 lb Boston Terrier.  We had left him with a downtown boarding place for dogs for the holiday season three years ago.   Just as we landed and walked off the plane i picked up a message from the owner of the boarding place telling me that my dog was so awful with other dogs, so aggressive and unruly that she didn’t know if she could keep him there.  We panicked!  And at that moment, my boyfriend and I said, we will take Bugsy to Scott and if he can’t be “fixed” we have to give him away.

I cannot speak more highly of Scott’s program and the E Collar we now have.  Bugsy really did turn into a brand new dog.  We were worried about using an E collar, but if it was good enough for Caesar MIlan (as we saw him use it on his show), it was good enough for us to try.  We went to Scott over now almost 3 years ago to the date and Bugsy’s behavior is better now than it ever has been.   He used to pull on a leash, lunge at other dogs and bark at them in what sounded like an aggressive abusive tone (while drooling uncontrollably).  He now plays in our dog park with no problems, walks right at our feet and even sits in place until we tell him he can get up.  Scott teaches you to mentally and physically challenge your dog which ultimately rewards him/her into great behavior.

Just this past winter, we took our dog to Myrtle beach, SC.   Bugsy was out on the beach, without a leash, as dogs passed, he’d look to us for approval to approach them and then play very friendly, yet didn’t leave our side unless we instructed him to do so!  For proof of this story, feel free to ask me any questions. Talking about Bugsy’s change in temperament is my favorite thing to do! WE LOVE SCOTT in our house, enough that we stop random dogs on the street with bad behavior and offer the referral — a life changer!!!!

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