Two weeks of remote collar training turn mischeivious mates into precious pups again.

How long should it take to have well well-trained, well-behaved dog?

For the Earl family, it was eight years of challenges before they found the proper training and techniques to turn their two into a more mannerly duo. However, once they learned about how the electronic collar could help them, it was only two weeks until the problems were solved. They were then on the way to the more enjoyable life they had envisioned with their dogs.

The question of speed of results is one that I feel is important as a professional trainer. There are lots of methods that lead down the path to a trained dog, but how long should it take just to have a mannerly pet that you can enjoy your life with? One that doesn’t tear up the house, bark incessantly all day long, and charge at every person or animal it sees while out on a walk? That is where weighing the tools and techniques used for the training becomes the critical question.

Time and time again, we are finding that proper use of an electronic collar yields reliable results in a fraction of the time other methods take.

I know that some trainers feel that speed should not be a factor in how we go about training a dog. I take issue with that opinion. Speed does matter; it is inevitable that nuisance behavior causes stress within the household. Not to mention that some of the behaviors, like chewing things up, can be dangerous for the dog. If an electronic collar can be used to teach a dog not to destroy things or get into the garbage, it reduces the likelihood of emergency medical care for the animal.

“We have had our two dogs, Cassius and Carter, since June 2003. They were both puppies, and the trouble began immediately. We went through years of destruction, fighting, running away, and general disobedience. If it could be chewed and destroyed, it was. This includes carpet, couches, undergarments, shoes, doors, and even a mattress. They were serial food thieves and garbage raiders. They would go berserk on a leash when coming upon any other animal, other dogs included. They would jump on people, bark like crazy, and not listen to a single command all day long. This behavior only intensified after the birth of our son. We tried multiple methods and training classes, with no success.

We were referred to Ann Greene through some close friends, and it all stopped.

After two weeks on the remote electronic collar training, our dogs sit, come, and place when commanded. They are angels on walks and the trash hasn’t been dumped since. They are easily put back on task when distracted and are pleased as punch. They are the dogs we always knew they could be and it’s all because of Ann’s training. We could not be happier.


The Earl Family

Doug, Danielle, Sam, Cassius and Carter”

Doug, Danielle and Sam, thank you for sharing your story about Cassius and Carter. I’m very happy you found Ann and she was able to help you learn more about the electronic collar and how it could be used to give you all a better quality of life together.

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