Tag: Remote training collar

There is an e-collar training post on this website that was originally published in 2011 — At that time, the blog was housed under a URL named, The Truth About Shock Collars. I was devoting a considerable amount of time to educating the public about remote collars and their proper use. It was important to me (and still is) to spread reliable information on how to use the tool. My desire to counter the anti-Ecollar sentiment is equally important. Sentiments […]

There are many dog training tools available to help us find solutions for training problems. I’m grateful for that, but recently, I had an evaluation with someone whose response to the idea of using a remote collar surprised me. The new puppy owner was seeking help due to concerns over the puppy’s biting behavior. While playbiting is normal puppy behavior, this little guy would resort to the higher end of the intensity scale if he decided he didn’t want to […]

Training for Puppies: “Never shock a puppy?” If you have a new pooch and you’re looking for some help with training for your puppy, you can find a lot of great information out there. You’ll also likely find some strong opinions like; “never shock a puppy”. Those are some scary words, meant to entice emotion and title to one of the anti e-collar campaigns…and I agree with that sentiment. I would never shock a puppy. I would NEVER advise someone […]

Effective Dog Training Methods How do you define effective dog training methods? I know in the professional world we often get caught up in the scientific discussions of punishment and reinforcement and what constitutes effective use of each. That path of discussion can often lead to heated opinions of the necessity of punishment and for me that brings up the topic of the versatility of a remote collars. Are they only a tool of punishment as some assert? More importantly, […]

Questions About Using Remote Collar Training There are often many questions about using remote collar training. Today I thought I’d share a Q&A e-mail exchange that I had with a dog owner who had questions about using a remote collar to help have more control of his dog reactive dog. I believe this is a fairly common situation. Plus, it is very important for others to understand that the remote collar not be used as a punishment for the lunging, […]

E Collars for Dogs? If you are looking for an opinion about remote training collars for dogs, ask someone who is using the tool what their thoughts are. At least that is what we believe here at The Truth About Shock Collars…generally if you want a referral or opinion about something it makes sense to ask someone with first hand knowledge of the service or product, wouldn’t you agree? What you will probably find out rather quickly is that actual users […]
Those are the actual words MacKenzie spoke about 15 minutes into our first lesson with her Labrador Retriever pup, Jasper, early Friday morning. In the discussion that followed
A: Lots of ways. I hope that is what participants of our workshop discovered last weekend. A remote dog training collar is so much more than just a tool used to correct bad behavior. In fact that really is one of the last options we recommend you use the e-collar for.
There are many benefits to using an electronic collar; ease, convenience, distance control, quick results…there is a long list to the pros of e-collar training. But I would be remiss if I did not point out that all these advantages do not alleviate the necessity to remember good training principles. Using an electronic collar to assist in teaching basic obedience or solve behavior problems does not mean
The e-collar is only for lazy dog trainers and dog owners right? I am sure you’ve either heard that one before or perhaps you’ve thought it. After all, if all you have to do is push a button