Tag: shock collars

There is an e-collar training post on this website that was originally published in 2011 — At that time, the blog was housed under a URL named, The Truth About Shock Collars. I was devoting a considerable amount of time to educating the public about remote collars and their proper use. It was important to me (and still is) to spread reliable information on how to use the tool. My desire to counter the anti-Ecollar sentiment is equally important. Sentiments […]

The upcoming inauguration of President Elect, Donald Trump, has me thinking about many things, including dogs (I’ll get to that in a moment). For the record, I did not vote for Trump. He doesn’t impress me as possessing the character traits I value in a leader. That said, I’m not one to assert the “Not my president” message. I value our collective history, those who fought to build our country and the rights I often take for granted too much […]

Electronic collars are great tools, but I want to make sure that we all understand that training and successfully solving behavioral issues is a complex process. There are a myriad of tools and techniques that are helpful in providing solutions, but IF there are underlying health issues that are unresolved or other foundational issues, no amount of work and practice is going to make a significant difference. There are so many considerations to take into account when you are trying […]

If you are curious about how to use a remote collar to train your dog, attend this upcoming workshop in Cincinnati, Ohio. On March 29th & 30th I will be joining Virginia Simpson from Unleashed Obedience to teach the fundamentals of e-collar training. We are looking forward to an invigorating weekend of working dogs and learning together. So if you have a young dog who is ready to get started down the path to amazing reliability and off leash freedom […]

A few years ago I created a very basic instructional DVD about e-collar training, Just Right Training. The goal was to provide viewers with the basics of how to safely and humanly collar condition their dog. I hoped to help people understand how to properly fit the e-collar, figure out what level is appropriate for training and how to avoid creating confusion for the dog. It was titled Just Right because of my continual reminder to users that there are […]

Congratulations to the newest graduates of our remote collar training E-cademy program. These ladies spent 10 days at That’s My Dog! Inc in Dubuque, Iowa learning more about my approach to using electronic collars and enhancing this part of their skill set. It is a challenging course. The days can be long so I am always proud of the endurance of students who are away from their homes, their dogs and their businesses. Job well done gals! The […]

Update on where we are with the Bling Your E-collar contest. We have 700.00 in donations that will go to the non-profit shelter or rescue of the winners choice. Thanks to That’s My Dog!, On The Ball K9, K9 Transformations, Michigan Dog Trainer, Dogtra Company and Follow Me Dog Training! Plus the winning dog will get a goodie box from me. Remember you have until mid-night July 1st to submit a photo of your blinged out e-collar. If you need […]
Remote dog collar training is as much of an art as it is a science. And art is usually about quality not quantity. I know for a fact there aren’t enough quality dog trainers around. That statement is easily represented by the amount of dog problems that are present world-wide. If more people really “got it” in regards to dogs, we just wouldn’t see the issues of aggression, fear, and behavioral instability that we see. “Getting it” means being educated. […]

It is starting out another busy dog training week here in the office at That’s My Dog! Inc. We’ve been pretty steady through the entire winter, but as the weather warms up, things get even busier. This week is no different and there has been the added influx of e-mails from people around the country and world seeking assistance with questions about remote collars and how to train with them. As this blog continues to grow I am getting more […]

Remote Collar Training for Dogs Requires Skill? There are several skills one must master in order to become proficient at remote collar training for dogs. Learning when to tap the button and how to help the dog understand the sensation are two of the main components for success. But the one that seems most intimidating for the novice handler is understanding how to adjust the stimulation level appropriately for the dog. The e-collar instructional dvd’s I created were titled “Just […]