Tag: shock collar

There is an e-collar training post on this website that was originally published in 2011 — At that time, the blog was housed under a URL named, The Truth About Shock Collars. I was devoting a considerable amount of time to educating the public about remote collars and their proper use. It was important to me (and still is) to spread reliable information on how to use the tool. My desire to counter the anti-Ecollar sentiment is equally important. Sentiments […]

E-Collars for Dog Training Using e-collars for dog training is often a common debate among dog owners and trainers. I have seen a few petitions in the past about banning e-collars and prong collars, a shop owner being targeted at Crofts in a campaign to slander and harass his company for even selling such tools. I saw a petition to not allow dogs wearing certain tools such as e-collars, be allowed at a dog event in a public park […]

Dispensing dog training help and advice has been high on my list of priorities for a long time, but you probably can’t tell it from my presence (or lack of!) here on my own blog!! I have a good excuse. I’ve spent much of my time this past year writing and filming for my friends at Gun Dog Supply. Together we’re creating some awesome dog training tips through a series of articles and videos. It’s FREE stuff, so how cool […]
I shot a bit of video today to respond to one of the most lame dog training video’s I’ve seen regarding “shock collars”. It was obvious from the moment I clicked on this video the trainer didn’t have a clue of what e-collar training was about. How obvious? Well, if a person is trying to demonstrate a training technique and they use time lapsed video footage of their training a STUFFED ANIMAL, that pretty much sums up their actual level […]

If you are interested in learning more about remote collar dog training come join us for a two day workshop. Robin MacFarlane will be coming to Texas in May 2013. The workshop is being hosted by On The Ball K9 Training in Denton, Texas so please contact Summer@OnTheBallK9.com for all the details. Get signed up soon if you want a working spot. Bring your dog, their favorite toy and treats, your e-collar, a lawn chair and an attitude ready to […]

There are many dog training tools available to help us find solutions for training problems. I’m grateful for that, but recently, I had an evaluation with someone whose response to the idea of using a remote collar surprised me. The new puppy owner was seeking help due to concerns over the puppy’s biting behavior. While playbiting is normal puppy behavior, this little guy would resort to the higher end of the intensity scale if he decided he didn’t want to […]

Here in the US we will be celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow. It is a day to remember all that we are grateful for. With that in mind, I did not want to over look extending my gratitude here. So, for those of you who read this blog and comment regularly, thank you for sticking beside me on this topic. As prickly as it can get from time to time I appreciate your wear-with-all in helping others understand the true nature of […]

Understanding Dog Behavior A couple months back I shared some of my sentiments on training with a remote collar and speculated what my dog’s might say if given a choice in the matter of training tools. Then I posed a question that caused a bit of a stir. That April blog post received over 100 comments and a lot of emotional feedback. It gave birth to the idea that I wanted more input from other dog owners who have trained […]

The main reason I started The Truth About Shock Collars blog was to share information with potential remote collar users. I want to provide insight that I have gained, share experiences from other trainers and most importantly share experience and opinions from other pet owners who decided to go the route of training with a remote dog training collar. Because the big picture goal is to rid ourselves of the term and idea of a pain inducing “shock collar” […]

Training for Puppies: “Never shock a puppy?” If you have a new pooch and you’re looking for some help with training for your puppy, you can find a lot of great information out there. You’ll also likely find some strong opinions like; “never shock a puppy”. Those are some scary words, meant to entice emotion and title to one of the anti e-collar campaigns…and I agree with that sentiment. I would never shock a puppy. I would NEVER advise someone […]