Tag: dog collars

The Dogtra E-Collar ARC: Advanced Receiver Concept (ARC) Review The new Dogtra E-Collar Advanced Receiver Concept (ARC) arrived and it was as I had expected…sleek on the dog. It drew a hallelujah from me immediately. A package I’ve been waiting for finally made it into my hands today. Take a look at the new e-collar on my boy, Tommy. The training community, particularly the pet training community, IMO, has been waiting for a streamline receiver for a very long […]

Just wanted to share some photos from this weeks video shoot. One of our regular day care attendees, Sam got into the act while shooting some short clips for the iQ Pet training collars. If you think the idea of Tap = Attention doesn’t work then you need to have a conversation with this Golden Retriever! He nailed it by very effectively interrupting our shooting numerous times. When the director called “Action!” and we went to roll, he […]
I shot a bit of video today to respond to one of the most lame dog training video’s I’ve seen regarding “shock collars”. It was obvious from the moment I clicked on this video the trainer didn’t have a clue of what e-collar training was about. How obvious? Well, if a person is trying to demonstrate a training technique and they use time lapsed video footage of their training a STUFFED ANIMAL, that pretty much sums up their actual level […]

My How Do I Use a Shock Collar video Frequently Leads to One Question…When Should I Use the Continuous Button? Since the technique in the how to video focuses on a tap, tap, tapping cadence using the momentary button, first time e-collar users often have concerns that it might be “wrong” to use the continuous button or they wonder when it is appropriate. I’ve spoken to numerous professional trainers who tell me they prefer using the continuous button for the majority […]

It is time for my Halloween post. I had so much fun dressing up last year, I knew I’d find a way to pull out another alter ego this season. With that in mind, I decided we’d discuss if the use of aversives are necessary when training a dog. I know it is a topic that causes much debate among trainers. It is like politics, with the topic getting heated and people tending to gravitate to one side or the […]

Stress in dog training, is it necessary or not? Stress in dog training was a topic touched on in one of our conversations on this Facebook page about the Banning of Training Tools . One of the participants there, Mike, had a few words to say so I invited him to share them here on my site. My personal thought is there is a significant difference between stress and distress, and this is what we must be conscience of in our […]

Electronic Dog Collars: “Will it hurt my dog?” The question of what do the electronic dog collars feel like comes up a lot. Or at least speculation about it comes up a lot! I’ve heard people make statements, usually negative ones, about what they imagine the collar to be and how it feels. Then those statements are typically followed with emotional assertions that they would “never use one on my dog!” So I’d like to share a true story from […]

E Collars for Dogs? If you are looking for an opinion about remote training collars for dogs, ask someone who is using the tool what their thoughts are. At least that is what we believe here at The Truth About Shock Collars…generally if you want a referral or opinion about something it makes sense to ask someone with first hand knowledge of the service or product, wouldn’t you agree? What you will probably find out rather quickly is that actual users […]
Remote collar training is the absolutely the easiest and fastest way to teach your dog a recall. And the single most important skill you should teach your dog is to come when called. A reliable recall (one that hold up even with distractions like squirrels, other dogs, children and bicycles) gives you peace of mind that your dog is safe AND gives your dog the ultimate delight that comes with the joy of being able to run free. Lots of […]