Tag: dog training tools

The Place Command Second, only to a really solid recall, the Place command is one of the most valuable things you can teach your dog. A place command, in case you aren’t aware, teaches the dog to place his body (all four paws) on (or in) the object you designate. The dog has free choice as to how they wish to position themselves. They can sit, lie down, or stand plus are allowed to change position if they desire. The only […]

Another dog owners experience with remote collar training. The following note is from Susanne who recently relocated to Singapore and began training with Jeffery Ong. Jeffery owns K9 World and is a graduate of my program for Professional Dog Trainers, That’s My Dog! E-cademy. To begin with, I am Susanne and my dog’s name is Buddy. We have started our remote collar training with Jeffery Ong from K9 World in December 2013. Our story is quite simple. Buddy is a […]

Questions & Answers: Remote Collar Dog Training Recently I had a chat with Ty Brown of Dog Behavior Online about e-collar training. We discussed some of the basic training concepts as well as some of the commonly held misconceptions such as; can e-collars be used with anxious dogs? Are they ok to use in the case of aggression issues. Are they really humane and how do they feel? What does it mean to use the Just Right level? I remember […]

Here in the US we will be celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow. It is a day to remember all that we are grateful for. With that in mind, I did not want to over look extending my gratitude here. So, for those of you who read this blog and comment regularly, thank you for sticking beside me on this topic. As prickly as it can get from time to time I appreciate your wear-with-all in helping others understand the true nature of […]

It is time for my Halloween post. I had so much fun dressing up last year, I knew I’d find a way to pull out another alter ego this season. With that in mind, I decided we’d discuss if the use of aversives are necessary when training a dog. I know it is a topic that causes much debate among trainers. It is like politics, with the topic getting heated and people tending to gravitate to one side or the […]

That is a question a lot of people ask, including other Dog Trainers. Using the tool effectively, at a low level to gain and retain a dogs attention is not something everyone intuitively understands, which is why there is such a need for education. Here at That’s My Dog! one of my responsibilities is to oversee our Professional Trainers remote collar course. The final session for the year started this week and it is always fun to meet new friends […]

Stress in dog training, is it necessary or not? Stress in dog training was a topic touched on in one of our conversations on this Facebook page about the Banning of Training Tools . One of the participants there, Mike, had a few words to say so I invited him to share them here on my site. My personal thought is there is a significant difference between stress and distress, and this is what we must be conscience of in our […]
Libby Davies, MP Vancouver East is supporting this ban shock collars petition and presenting to parliament. I have a question for you Ms. Davies and the 1400 who signed this petition…can you please explain your decision to Cindy who has MS and has already tried 3 other trainers and just about gave up on her dog before she found a humane and effective solution with a remote dog training collar. Granted, I understand

Training a Dog to Come When Called: What Defines “Trained”? The argument of whether or not a dog is *trained* if he is wearing an electronic collar comes up frequently among dog professionals. The debate rages that a *trained* dog shouldn’t need to be wearing an e-collar.
I realize the headline to the left is upsetting. It is upsetting to me as well. But I would like to use the story from The Daily Record in Wooster, OH to open some discussion regarding dog training and the tools used to achieve that objective. The recent story states that charges were filed after an Ohio State Highway Patrol trooper witnessed a man strike his dog an estimated four or five times with a nylon lead in an “attempt […]