Tag: how to use a remote dog collar

Remote Collar Training for Dogs: The Problem with the Numbers…

Remote Collar Training for Dogs Requires Skill? There are several skills one must master in order to become proficient at remote collar training for dogs. Learning when to tap the button and how to help the dog understand the sensation are two of the main components for success. But the one that seems most intimidating for the novice handler is understanding how to adjust the stimulation level appropriately for the dog. The e-collar instructional dvd’s  I created were titled “Just […]

YIKES! What to do when you are the owner of THAT dog!!! (or: a case for the remote collar)

Another testimonial  from a family happy they learned how a remote collar could help them with their dog. It sounds like these folks were at the end of their rope and Buddy would of lost his home soon if a solution wasn’t found. I love this story cause we all know THAT dog!  Some of us have also owned THAT dog! The good new is, THAT dog can be fixed. What does it take to fix THAT dog?

How Long Will My Dog Have to Wear a Remote Training Collar?

Remote Training Collar: How Long? Or Does Your Dog Like to Speed? People have lots of questions when they are learning how remote training collars can be used to help train their dog. How do you find the right level for the dog? How do you know if the dog is feeling the stimulation? What is the correct fit for the collar? One of the more frequent questions is: How long will my dog have to wear the collar? It […]