Can Recall Training Unlock Your Dog’s Best Life?

recall training

Recall training is one of the most important things you can do for your dog – it’s a safety essential!

If you want to allow your dog off-leash, you must be able to call them back to you when needed.
A recall is critical if your dog bolts through an open door and rushes toward the street. It prevents stress if you’re dog is about to chase the neighborhood kids out riding their bikes. And it saves the baby bunny that didn’t think twice about running out from behind the hedges! The only way to ensure safety is to confidently know you can call your dog back to you.

Safety is the reason that a recall is necessary. But Joy is an even better reason to teach your dog to come when called. 

The joy your dog experiences when they can sniff and explore unencumbered by a leash. The joy they get from going full speed after a squirrel. Plus, the joy you receive allowing that chase because you are confident you can call them back at any time.

As if safety and joy weren’t motivating enough reasons to teach a reliable recall, let me share three others you might not have considered:

Reduced Behavioral Issues

A reliable recall helps you manage unwanted behaviors like excessive barking, chasing, or running off. You can simply interrupt and redirect your dog by calling them back. Plus, the mental and physical exercise they get from the increased freedom to explore leaves them more fulfilled.

Recall training is a valuable skill to focus on when trying to resolve behavioral issues. A dog that can have more freedom is a dog that isn’t as frustrated. Oftentimes, behaviors like anxiety and destructiveness melt away due to the increased outlet safe freedom provides.

Improved Physical Health

Off-leash freedom allows a dog to move naturally with no restrictions. Unrestricted movement improves the dog’s overall fitness and proprioceptive abilities in ways that leashed walks often can’t. Running at full speed, navigating uneven terrain, and practicing natural movements like jumping or turning sharp corners off-leash contribute to better muscle tone, coordination, and balance. 

Additionally, when dogs are off-leash, they’re more likely to engage with their environment—sniffing, digging, or even rolling in the dirt. This contact exposes them to microbes found in soil, which can help build a stronger immune system. Research has shown that diverse gut health reduces the risk of certain allergies and autoimmune conditions.

Less Stress & Improved Relationship with Your Dog

Given that a reliable recall helps keep your dog safe, reduces behavior problems, and allows more freedom, there is bound to be less stress in the day-to-day activities with your dog. Plus, the time you spend together on recall training and building mutual understanding will deepen your relationship. Less stress and a better bond are two outcomes you may not realize you’re getting when you first start, but once you experience life with a well-trained dog, there is no limit to the richness that will unfold!

Let stress, improved health, fewer behavior problems, increased safety, plus more joy. Those five reasons make teaching your dog how to come when called worth doing, so start today!

If you’ve been trying to teach a reliable recall, but struggle to get your dog’s attention, check out this FREE email course. It might be just the ticket to get you on the way to more fun and adventure!

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