Tag: off leash training

Safety is the reason that recall training is necessary. But joy is an even better reason to teach your dog to come when called.
Curious about how remote collar training might work for your dog? Perhaps you are hesitant about a remote collar because you’ve heard others call them cruel? Are you worried that using a remote collar might have negative fall out or side effects if you use one for training your dog? You’re not alone. Most people
Here is a recent video of some “place” training. This is a 5 month old Labradoodle who was in for a Board and Train program for basic off leash obedience and manners. We’re using a combination of tools including the remote training collar and treats to mark moments of behavior, just like a game of hot and cold. The meaning of the Place command is that 4 paws should remain on the bed. The dog has a choice of sitting, […]
A remote collar is not magic. I say that just about every time I meet with someone for a dog training evaluation. And then I explain what it can do for enhancing the dog and owner relationship if used properly. The key being, it must be used with knowledge. Electronic collars are not one of those tools that someone can purchase and “do it yourself”. At least most people will not be successful because the commonly held perception is that […]