With this course, we learned more about our dog and how to deal with his behavior than all other obedience courses we have taken combined. The dog personality profile was a huge eye opener for us. Learning about his personality helped us to understand why River reacted to certain situations the way he did and therefore helped us to understand what we needed to do to modify those behaviors instead of feeling so frustrated by them.
The personalized attention you provided went above and beyond what we had ever expected. We received instructions and suggestions specifically directed at our dog, whether it was what we were doing right or what we could do differently to improve our training techniques.
Your approach to dealing with people and dogs is exceptional. You delivered criticism without people feeling criticized. You NEVER made us feel bad for doing something wrong.
The videos we sent in proved to be a valuable teaching tool. It made us work at teaching the desired skill or behavior. They could then be used to show what we personally did right or wrong. Sharing everyone’s videos was also valuable. We learned from them how other people approached their training.
I know I have said it before, but I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for us and River. You truly are outstanding.
Becky & River