Ted Ridley

I have taught dog training for over 20 years, competed in various dog sports, and have used e-collars with my dogs primarily for fieldwork. Viewing Robin’s E-Collar Training DVDs sparked my interest in her Train-the-Trainer E-Cademy. Going in I was fairly confident that it would advance my knowledge and skills, but I didn’t expect to end up wishing the course had been available 20 years ago. Besides invaluable training skills, the course provided a deeper dive into the technology and application of e-collars. I appreciated Robin’s straightforward, comprehensive and well-crafted approach to introducing and supporting e-collar training to clients and their dogs. The opportunity for hands-on learning with rookie dogs of varying temperaments and backgrounds added practical and real-world clarity.  Robin’s style of informal, interactive and collaborative teaching made the course feel like a seminar for experienced trainers to learn from one another as well as her. I came away with ideas and confidence to expand my training toolbox with another very effective tool.