Possessive behavior in dogs can be prevented.

Possessive behavior in dogs is dangerous but it can be prevented.

Big issues can arise when a dog becomes confident at defending bones, toys or other items. Some dogs even become possessive of people and won’t let others approach or sit next to “their human”. This is scary in a number of ways.

If a dog with resource guarding issues gets a hold of anything potentially dangerous it can be very challenging to try and take it away. It is now dangerous for the dog, plus dangerous that someone may get bit trying to remove the item. There is also a good deal of potential liability when owning a dog that has possessive behaviors. All too often it is the unknowing visitor or house guest that is the one who gets nipped or sometimes seriously hurt.

As with any behavior problem, trying to fix existing issues is much more difficult and time consuming than preventing them from ever getting started.

To help you get an idea of how to head off these problems of possessive behavior, I filmed one of the routine interactions we go through when dogs are here at the training facility.

We often have dogs practicing the Place command while we are attending to other tasks. For those who don’t know what a Place command is, we define it as the dog remaining on their mat or bed, (4 paws on) until given permission to go.

Today I noticed that the staff had given each of the dogs a food stuffed bone or rubber toy to chew on to keep them entertained. This was the perfect opportunity to see if any of the dogs in training had issues with possessive behavior and make sure we were heading off any potential problems.

Here is a quick look at what I did to help create the right associations for dogs being approached by humans when they had coveted items in their control.



Notice that I always approached bearing gifts. I moved toward the dogs with something to offer. It gave them reason to look up, sniff my hand and discover something yummy was there waiting for them. I offered them several treats before I ever touched the item they were chewing on. When I did take a hold of the bone or toy, I shared possession of it with them, rather than taking it away.

Then I gave it back and let them enjoy in peace.

What I didn’t do was approach with an attitude of “I’m dominate and I’ll take things away if I darn well please.”

While I do firmly believe we need to teach our dogs to relinquish anything to us, I don’t think that an aggressive attitude will gain us cooperation in the long run. Making a stand to prove you can remove something from your dog’s mouth is not the best way to head off future problems of possessive behavior.

Even if I prove to a dog that I am bigger, stronger and more dominate, that isn’t going to have any carry over with the next person or make the dog any safer with other guests, family members or children.

Let me explain the rational for my approach this way:

Imagine yourself, sitting in a restaurant, enjoying a wonderful meal. You’re fully engaged in eating, not anywhere near done and the waiter comes up, reaches in and takes away your plate. You try to take the plate back and he pulls it farther away and tells you No.

How exactly do you feel about that? I mean after all, it’s not yours right? You haven’t paid the bill yet. That food belongs to the restaurant and if they want to take it back, well, then they are entitled. Now let’s suppose that happens a few times. Apparently restaurateurs and waiters are out to teach you a lesson about not trying to possess food and that you should give up your plate willingly at any time.

How’s this lesson working out so far? I am guessing that you are starting to feel a bit apprehensive and perhaps even defensive when a waiter approaches your table?

Now lets imagine a different scenario. You’re eating your meal, the waiter approaches and offers you a sample of a very awesome new appetizer that just came out of the oven, then he offers to move your plate so he can make room for a new dish they want you to sample as well. Later he comes back to top off your drink and gives you a piece of dessert

Do you see how the waiters approach now has created anticipation of “what great thing is coming next!” rather than apprehension that you might lose something of value?

And if the waiter did have to come to take your plate away from you quickly because they just discovered their was something wrong with the food…you would not have developed the desire to hide or horde your meal. The waiter could remove the plate with little resistance or defensiveness from you.

Possessive behavior is a pretty natural state of being. Without some innate sense of it, I doubt any of us, dogs or humans, would have survived very long.

The thing is, we want to teach our dogs that it isn’t necessary.

The goal should be to develop a dog that trusts us enough to take away a coveted item. That trust is built by having a higher ratio of giving rather than taking when we approach our dogs.

The training takes a little practice and the ideal time to start is with a young pup that hasn’t learned (or at least hasn’t had lots of practice) with the habit of defensiveness yet.

If you have a dog that growls, snaps or bite in situations like this, please get professional help. By the time the dog is bearing teeth you are already having serious issues with possessive behavior.




  • We recently got a 6 month old puppy. She is now about the enter her first heat and has decided to be a little possessive over food and people. My other dog backs down and submitts to her but I want to show her I’m alpha and if I want to pet my other pup I will do as I please. Please send any advice that helps

    • Hi Sarah,

      It isn’t about teaching the dog who is alpha. It is about developing a relationship of mutual trust and respect. Dog’s (and other animals including humans) resource guard as a natural part of their survival instinct. When a relationship is developed through good training and communication, the dog can learn to relinquish items, move away when asked and feel more comfortable when you come near when she has an item that is of value to her.

      There is no quick advice that will solve this over night. You should try to find a trainer in your area that is experienced to help you. If you can’t find anyone, I do offer virtual coaching and would be happy to assist. In the meantime, I would feed her in her kennel or in a room by herself, then pick up the food bowl when she is finished. Also be sure you are implementing good leadership structures around the home and keep a leash attached (she can drag it around the house) so you have a handle to pick up to guide and safely move her away as needed if she starts to guard someone.

  • Dear team, I need some advice. I have a Jack Russell, 7 y.o and the last couple of months he expresses possessive behaviour towards me. He will growl to my husband and 12 y.o girl with no reason, especially when I go to bed and they come next to me. I am currently pregnant, so I assume he expresses guarding behaviour towards me. However, I do not like this behaviour especially when he growls to my girl and I would like some advice on how to stop this. Thank you, Claire

    • Hi Claire,

      It is hard to say exactly why the behavior is happening, particularly if he has been fine for all these years and the growling is just starting now when he is 7 years old. It could be related to your pregnancy and he is resource guarding you as you have suggested.

      The first thing I would suggest is that you improve the leadership structure and rules around your home. Here is a link to download my Leadership Tips. Begin implementing those ideas and make them a consistent part of your lifestyle going forward.

      I would also recommend that you no longer allow him to be in the bed with you. Removing access to that location by crating him or having him sleep on the floor often helps to improve things.

      Enrolling him in an obedience class would also be of value. Training not only creates more structure, it enhances the relationship we have with our dogs and gives the dog a “job”…which means that we can engage with them in a way that occupies the mind. Mental activities like obedience training, learning tricks or solving puzzles engage our dog’s brain and drain energy. When you combine that with regular physical activity (walks and play) you develop a calmer dog over all.

      If you aren’t seeing improvement after a few weeks of working on these new protocols, I would suggest you contact a local trainer that is experienced in dealing with behavior cases.

  • Hello I recently was given a puppy about 1 month ago and from day 2 of having him he has been up-under me every day following me around wines we he don’t see me….in about 3week of having this dog he has become very aggressive towards anyone that approaches me…I mean anyone I have kids the youngest is 13years old …I do love this dog but I can’t have him scaring my kids

    • These behaviors are the result of insecurity, so it is important that you start building confidence and teaching skills that create resilience in your pup.
      My puppy course has a significant amount of information that is teaches you how to do this. I’d suggest you sign up and get started asap.
      You will find info for the Puppy Training here.

  • 6 month old presa canario is having food aggression. For two weeks now evrytime he eats I offer him a treat to stop him from growling, raising his lip and being very defensive. He is a quick learner otherwise with puppy impulses of course. I make him sit, stir his food with my hand so my scent is in it, make him wait to have his food, and then offer him treats while he is gulping It diwn. He wags his tail and stops but most of the time goes back to his food. I decided to see if he was ready to be touched at all, even an accidental bump from a human sets off the aggression. ( not from the cats though, he allows them in or near his food bowl) I even had a raised bowl holder made so he wasn’t hovering over his food. But I just touched him tonight and he not only growled and snarled at me but he lunged at me enough so his food came flying out of his mouth all over. I have 3 children 2,8 and 13. I never let them in the area when he is being fed. He’s still a pup. I need help. Please any suggestions will be welcomed. I don’t believe in giving up on family.

    • Hi Angela,

      I would suggest you seek the help of a local professional. This isn’t something to delay getting help with and not something I would suggest you work with on your own. It is far better to find a qualified trainer who can work with you in person to assess the situation and come up with a plan for you. Do a search for trainers or behaviorists in your area who have experience with aggression and resource guarding work. You might also your veterinarian for a possible referral. In the meantime I would suggest you feed him in a separate room or his crate to insure no one can get hurt.

      Good luck,

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