Tag: dog bites

Dog aggression is not a fun topic. I know some dog trainers probably see it as sort of sexy and seem to take a lot of pride in repeating the phrase “I work with aggressive dogs” There has been a good deal of television culture and drama built around the buzz concepts of dog aggression, dogs that bite, and rehabilitation. There is nothing sexy or exciting about it, IMO. It is sad. It breaks my heart a little bit each […]

The Invisible Fence I was surfing Facebook when I came across a link that had been shared numerous times. The title was a Rant and a Plea by Dr. Jennifer Rouse. Dr. Rouse is a DVM in Pennsylvania, US. The story was an unfortunate one about one of her Veterinary Assistants who had been attacked while out for a walk with her dog. There are a number of interesting bits to the story in that the dog that did the […]