Tag: how to use a shock collar

Can Aggression in Dogs Be Fixed with an E-Collar?

Aggression in Dogs: Can an E-Collar Help? Robin, I was wondering if you use e collars in dealing with aggression in dogs? If so I was wondering if you can shed some light on the subject. I also wanted to take a minute to say thank you. Your information has really changed the entire way that I go about e collar training. I can not thank you enough! Thanks, Tony The question above came to me a couple of days […]

Shock Collars; Can they be positive reinforcement for your dog?

Many people understand that an e-collar can be used as a punishment to stop unwanted behavior in a dog. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to come to that conclusion. Of course  that limited way of thinking is what continues to promote use of the term Shock Collar. This is unfortunate. 🙁 Because the tool can be used in a way that is quite gentle. There is so much finesse with today’s electronics and the sensation can be associated with […]