Tag: remote collar

Remote Collar Dog Training Workshop in Columbus great success

Congratulations go out to another great group of pet owners and professional dog trainers who took the time to learn more about the possibilities of remote collar dog training. We had a wonderful weekend together and all the dogs were delightful!

Remote Collar Training helps Doberman in Vancouver, BC find a new leash on life.

This is a very interesting letter that came from a woman in Vancouver, BC. It goes to show that the electronic remote training collar (aka: Shock collar) is just a tool and like any can be used well or used poorly. Jill Sharp is a former student of the TMD E-cademy program. I am proud to say that her education shines through and I’m happy she could help Roman. Congrats Jill and kudos to Lee and Roman. I am glad […]

Remote Collar Training – What level is right for your dog?

A while back I wrote about the level of stimulation that should be used when training a dog with an electronic, remote collar. That article addressed the concept of adjusting the intensity to fit the situation.  As a general rule, less stimulation is needed during the regular daily routine and more is needed when things get exciting and the dog’s adrenaline level goes up. Adjusting the intensity is similar to turning up the volume on a radio or television when […]