Category: Puppy Training

Puppy training that might save your dog’s life.

There are many reasons to include teaching your pup to tolerate handling in your early puppy training lessons.  Dogs that allow the feet, mouth, and ears to be manipulated are easier to groom and examine. Having worked as a vet tech years ago, I can attest to how appreciative the vet and the staff are if they do not have to wrestle a dog for a routine examination.  Of course, not only is it easier on the staff, it is […]

Place Command | The Most Valuable Dog Training Tool

The Place Command Second, only to a really solid recall, the Place command is one of the most valuable things you can teach your dog. A place command, in case you aren’t aware, teaches the dog to place his body (all four paws) on (or in) the object you designate. The dog has free choice as to how they wish to position themselves. They can sit, lie down, or stand plus are allowed to change position if they desire. The only […]

Just Right! Remote Collar Dog Training Guide Two-Volume DVD Set

Your Own Personal Remote Collar Dog Training Guide If you are looking for a remote collar dog training guide to help start the training process with your dog, here are some suggestions: First off, if you can, find a professional trainer in your area that has experience with this tool. An experienced pro can help  you through the remote collar conditioning process and get you on your way to enjoying off-leash adventures with your dog. Since 2002, I  have been […]

Remote Collar Dog Training Techniques

Remote Collar Dog Training Techniques: Toys and Tricks Learning some basic remote collar dog training techniques will teach you that your dog can have fun while learning commands and discipline. I bet that feels like a pretty big deal, especially if you’ve tuned into much of the propaganda that is out there about “shock collars” also known as remote collars. I’m sure it sounds like “rubbish” as Victoria Stillwell might say. (Victoria the actress that portrays a dog trainer on […]

Reasons or Results – Which Will You Choose?

Dog Behavior Problems and Solutions. Will You Choose Reasons or Results? I recently wrote about 5 ways to mess up your dog. The list included obvious mistakes in dog ownership like not providing enough exercise or structure, but it also mentioned, “letting sympathy rein” regarding how we often view shelter dogs or dogs with anxiety issues. To make my point about how useless sympathy is in helping rehabilitate dogs that have behavioral issues, allow me to share with you a bit of my […]

Teaching a Dog to Retrieve

Teaching a Dog to Retrieve: A Rewarding Skill to Practice  Teaching a dog to retrieve is one of the most rewarding skills you can work on. I’m not talking about the game of chasing a ball and bringing it back to you. While that is certainly a fun activity and good exercise for your dog, I am speaking to the task of deliberately retrieving specific items and delivering them into your hand. Many dogs will chase and pick up something like […]

Hiking with Your Dog: A Great Bonding and Training Experience

Hiking with your dog is an excellent way to improve your relationship and build a powerful connection. Hiking with my dogs is one of my favorite activities. I love the solitude of the woods and sharing that time with my dogs makes the experience even better. Being on the trails does us good, both physically and mentally. I know that the idea of letting a dog off leash makes many people nervous. The thought that a dog might bolt and […]

Remote Collar Dog Training: Six Things That You Need to Know

Tips for Remote Collar Dog Training I spend a lot of time on this blog sharing success stories from people who have used remote collar dog training as part of a balanced training program to rehabilitate their dog. I also spend a fair amount of time expressing my opinions on training in general and talking about what to do if you are thinking about purchasing a remote collar to add to your dog’s training tools. What I try not to do is […]

Remote Training Collar for Puppy Training.

Remote Training Collar for Puppy Training : How to Use It In a previous post titled Never Shock a Puppy, I discussed my thoughts on how a remote training collar for puppy training can be used as a feedback system similar to the way a GPS unit provides feedback to a driver trying to stay on course. You can read more here if you missed the original post to learn more tips about remote training collar for puppy training. I also […]

Remote Collar Training for Puppies?

Training for Puppies: “Never shock a puppy?” If you have a new pooch and you’re looking for some help with training for your puppy, you can find a lot of great information out there. You’ll also likely find some strong opinions like; “never shock a puppy”. Those are some scary words, meant to entice emotion and title to one of the anti e-collar campaigns…and I agree with that sentiment. I would never shock a puppy. I would NEVER advise someone […]