Tag: dog aggression

Remote collar training can work for fearful and anxious dogs: ya just gotta know how to do it.

A remote collar is not magic. I say that just about every time I meet with someone for a dog training evaluation. And then I explain what it can do for enhancing the dog and owner relationship if used properly. The key being, it must be used with knowledge. Electronic collars are not one of those tools that someone can purchase and  “do it yourself”. At least most people will not be successful because the commonly held perception is that […]

How to find a Professional Dog Trainer?

I’ve been away from writing for some time…my apologies to those readers who check back here regularly. As many of you know I’ve been up to my eyeballs moving our business location to a new facility. Due to that, I’ve been working on updating the TMD website and in doing so I usually end up perusing other websites to see what is currently in fashion. One thing I found of interest is the number of sites who host a list […]

Think Dog Training with Positive Reinforcement Is All the Rage in Training Dogs and Dolphins?

Dog Training with Positive Reinforcement: Reconsidering the Methods The following letter was sent to me from Kaat (pictured above with her dogs, including Blooper) after we exchanged e-mails discussing dog training with positive reinforcement. The main focus of our discussions were some of the petitions to ban e-collars and a video clip I have on YouTube that demonstrates using a remote training collar to work with a dog that is having aggression issues. I’m posting the e-mail in it’s entirety because […]

Marley: E-collar helps him go from anxious-aggressive dog to happy and content pet

A headline that claims an e-collar can help a dog go from anxious and aggressive to happy and content may seem hard to believe for some. But for those in the know, it is a common occurrence. I suspect the bigger question about using the e-collar to work with dog’s like Marley is why does it work so well? Science is going to have to jump in and provide more research but it is my opinion that using a low-level […]

A Prince’s tale: what a little dog taught me about possibility

I’d like to share the story of Prince, a Boston Terrier who helped define my career as a professional trainer and particularly my learning curve about how a remote dog training collar can assist in rehabilitating dog’s with aggression issues.

Dog Aggression: How Do You Stop the Tea Pot from Boiling?

Dog Aggression: How Do You Stop the Tea Pot from Boiling? There is a lot of buzz on the internet that a shock collar should not be used when dealing with dog aggression cases. The general war cry is that using a shock collar will make the situation worse and the dog more aggressive. The theory is that the dog will associate “pain” with the dogs or people in the immediate area and thus become more reactive. While I understand […]

Dog owner claims: “First experience with electronic collar has been 100% positive”

More feedback from satisfied users of the electronic remote training collar. The following comments come from clients of Sharon Larson. Sharon owns and operates Canine Coach in Rhinelander, WI. Canine Coach offers a variety of wonderful services for dogs and their owners. In addition to good manners and dog obedience, clients of Canine Coach can learn about Doga (Yoga for dogs and owners) Kinaesthetics and Pet First Aid Training. Sharon also uses remote dog collars as part of her training […]

Will a shock collar make dog aggession worse?

It is easy to find websites loaded with misinformation regarding using remote collars with dog aggressive dogs. The warnings about increasing aggression, traumatizing the dog and all sorts of horrible outcomes are rampant. The mantra of *the sky is falling, the sky is falling” sound plausible enough to the unknowing reader. But the main problem

Can Aggression in Dogs Be Fixed with an E-Collar?

Aggression in Dogs: Can an E-Collar Help? Robin, I was wondering if you use e collars in dealing with aggression in dogs? If so I was wondering if you can shed some light on the subject. I also wanted to take a minute to say thank you. Your information has really changed the entire way that I go about e collar training. I can not thank you enough! Thanks, Tony The question above came to me a couple of days […]